GSPC Finance offers practical tools and calculators as a research point into stocks. Use the Dividend Picker to pick out a portfolio or portfolios, and use the DRIP Calculator to compare how different portfolios might perform over the years.
DRIP Calculator
This example compares two stock portfolios over a 5 year time frame.
- Initial investment of $20,000.00
- Additional investment of $20,000.00 per year.
- Portfolio 1 has a CAGR of 0.0%
- Portfolio 2 has a CAGR of 0.0%
Portfolio 2 is a 12.8% beat for a total value of $155,338.43. 🗄️ Download Data 🗄️
Year | Total Dividend | Total Value |
2024 | $1,243.79 | $41,243.79 |
2025 | $2,277.55 | $63,521.34 |
2026 | $3,416.33 | $86,937.67 |
2027 | $4,672.09 | $111,609.77 |
2028 | $6,058.14 | $137,667.90 |
Just playing around with numbers and different portfolios and scenarios can be fun, educational, and enlightening. You can also combine the power and insights of the DRIP Calculator with other GSPC tools.
Dividend Picker
You can use the Dividend Picker to set parameters on the dividend yield you are looking for and pick out a portfolio of stocks that meet your criteria.
CAGR Calculator
Want to introduce growth stocks into your portfolio? Use the CAGR Calculator to get a sense of how individual stocks and portfolios have performed over time. Use that information to make informed decisions on portfolio construction.
Reminder past performance isn't indicative of future returns. However, you can use the data as a starting point for your research.